Subscription to International Rainbowfish Association (IRG)

Please subscribe me for the year:



4 + 12 =

If you agree to make payment by direct debit please download the SEPA-Form and fill in the necessary part of the form.

Please send it to:  Frank Müther, In der Held 6, 54523 Hetzerath, GERMANY
As soon as possible after receipt of payment you will receive the next number of “Regenbogenfisch” and the membership roll.

With sending the subscription you accept the Articles of Assocation and to pay the annual fee of 25 € (resp. 10 € for family members).

Additionally, I agree to the storing of my personal data strictly for club purposes and the publication in the annually published membership record.
You may also look into the “Erklärung zum Datenschutz” (declaration on data protection).
You may also pay the subscription fee to our account:
Volksbank Trier eG
IBAN DE 3158 5601 0300 0239 6504 SWIFT/BIC-Code GENODED1TVB
The membership fee can also be paid via Paypal to